Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Welcome Message

Message in GW sent today:

Hi I'm Rik and I'm happy to say that I'm organising the Weekend Casual FA (WCA) :)

Firstly welcome to beta testers. This FA is likely to be different to every other FA you have been in to date. For new people, we're all here to help so don't be afraid to ask anything. You've made a great choice by selecting WCA.

I've been beta testing since February with my team Proper Team Selecta - it's gone very quick though!

For the moment I think it's important to get the starting basics. If you are reading this then that is a good start as you are able to use mail. All announcements will be made this way.

You should use the starting wizard to give you a starting skillset. This will mean you aqcuire an initial suite of skills. You also need to keep your skills (under manager) moving as much as you can. Choose long skills when logged out at the timer is still ticking. Should you miss x seconds of learning skills, you will get back a short x/2 boost so you only lose half the learning time if you're not learning skills.

You need to get through between 5 and 10 games to get a rank and your daily income starts coming in.

Your overdraft limit increases weekly. You can earn money from competition prize money and selling players (after seven days of buying). Soon those out-of-reach players could be yours.

Sunday 8pm all the FA's are locked down which means that money is assigned to each FA for distribution. Half of the FA money is allocated as daily income per team. You'll also get daily income based on if you finished last in your competitions.

Monday 8pm the season starts. Don't worry if you miss the start as all matches are set up to complete in three weeks time.

Each match has a "play by" date if you click on your fixtures. Challenge people whenever you want a match. If your opposition wants to play a game with you (sometimes they may not be able to play so don't get too upset if they reject) then you can play any time of the day on any day you are both online. If the "play by" date is reached then AI Rights are awarded. If AI Rights are not used then the game goes on the "auto-resolve" list to ensure that the competition finishes on time.

After four weeks of starting watch your player contracts. You can lock people into contracts with you but I'd suggest doing this towards the end of the season when you know who you want to keep. Anyone not locked in (max of five seniors) will be entered into a wage auction so anyone can make a bid and whoever bids most gets for that bid.

I'll be assigning people to the cup and league within the FA. If you would like an additional "WCA League Cup" or "U21 League" then please let me know and I'll see what I can do.

At the end of the season (which are four weeks long including a week of off-season), you'll be assigned into the Season 2 league system based on your positions. If you do really well in your league or cup then you'll earn a place in UFFA (a cross-FA football association to show off the best of the GW).

Don't forget the WCA Chat Room. This should be your hub to get to know your fellow WCA members. Come in and say hi! What is on your mind? Who are you proud about signing? Do you have an injury crisis that your WCA peers could help out with a loan? Are you about to start an important match and want some people to come in and lend support by watching?

WCA has a blog (woohoo) - address is on the WCA profile page. The intention is to post up here important stuff relating to WCA including league screenshots and competition reports (along with anything else of any value). Get it bookmarked!! This should make it easy to catch up with your teams performance in WCA when you're not able to log into FML. If you would like to get involved in running the blog it would be really appreciated. FML-mail me your email address and I'll add you to the list of authors.

WCA is not a bog-standard FA; if there is anything missing that you would like to see included that would enhance your FML experience then give me a private chat (right click on my name) or come into the WCA Chat Room and we'll talk it through :)

Hopefully not too much information here but enough to start everyone off. See you in the WCA Chatroom and all the best for your first season in Lineker! (Y)



  1. Nice starting email Rik.

    I do like your style old friend.

  2. Happy days Martin. We will meet again m'lad. :)
