Sunday, December 28, 2008

UFFA Round Up - Public Comps

First up we have the UFFA Youth comp you enter yourselves. One more match to go before the Semi finals are drawn.

Congrats firstly to SK Bergen who have won 3-0 in the quarter finals and are through to the semi final. Secondly congrats to SK Brann for getting into the quarters although you have a tough opponent in John Batty. Give anyone who is online a shout when this fixture comes up and the WCA will lend support.

Hopefully we won't have both of you playing each other in the semi should SK Brann make it :)

We've not been so lucky in the Senior version of the cup. None of us present in the quarter finals here. It does look like a few have managed to get into the 4th round. Congrats but must try better next season :p

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